Sir Walter Buffalo Turf.
Sir Walter Buffalo turf:
Salt Tolerant: Best variety for bores with high salt levels.
Shade Tolerant: Performs well in full sun or shady areas.
Non-invasive: Less invasive than Couch and Kikuyu.
Soft Leaf and low allergen: Well suited for the whole family.
Visually Appealing: Broad, dark green leaf with a horizontal growth habit.
Watering: Low water user.
Mowing Frequency: Weekly in Summer, fortnightly in Winter.
Sunlight Requirements: Min 4 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Drought and Frost Tolerant: Important in West Australian conditions.

What is your lawn area?
USE THE SLIDER BELOW to find out how much your new Buffalo lawn will cost (supply and pickup only).
100m2 at $16.00/m2 = Total Price: $1600.00
Why choose our turf?
Breakdown | Excellent | Very Good | Good | Once Established |
Winter Colour | ✓ | Winter in particular requires regular fertilising. | ||
Invasiveness | ✓ | Easy to keep in check as it creeps along the surface. | ||
Fertilising | ✓ | Requires every three months to keep it green all year, especially in cooler months. | ||
Mowing | ✓ | Requires less mowing than Kikuyu or Couch varieties. | ||
Wear Tolerance | ✓ | Can tolerate a busy household. | ||
Shade Tolerance | ✓ | Requires 6 hours of full sun on average in winter. | ||
Water Consumption | ✓ | We recommend applying soil-wetter in warmer months. |
Want us to
install for you?
Quote and Confirmation: Submit the enquiry form to receive a custom quote for turf delivery and installation. Please note: Do not order or pay online—this service is for quotes only.
Scheduling: Once your quote is confirmed and payment is arranged, we’ll schedule the installation at a time that suits you.
Professional Installation: Our team will deliver and install fresh, high-quality turf, setting your new lawn up for success.
How to establish your Turf?
Use these essential guidelines to get your new turf off to a strong start. Proper establishment is essential for a healthy, beautiful lawn.
When establishing a new lawn, people often overlook the importance of good quality and free draining soil. The right soil will give your Buffalo lawn the best possible start and help to prevent nutrient deficiencies and water problems. We strongly advise incorporating Kaolin Clay into sandy Perth soils. Kaolin Clay is a natural clay product with no added chemicals, it provides long term benefits for water and fertilizer efficiency which saves you money and time. To have the best outcome for your Kiyku lawn, Kaolin Clay needs to be incorporated into your soil with approximately 10% organic matter such as humus.
Sir Walter lawn has a longer establishment time of six months in cooler months. Full sun and a good reticulation system means three months in warmer months.
If you minimise traffic on your lawn during the first eight weeks, the lawn can develop a stronger root system, compared to using it straight away.
Lawn should not be mowed until rolls have produced adequate roots. This should happen between 1-2 weeks and can be confirmed by checking that the rolls have secured themselves to the soil. Letting the lawn get overly long before the first mow will result in scalping or the development of excess thatch.

How to maintain your turf?
Follow these expert tips to keep your lawn looking lush and green. Regular maintenance ensures that your turf remains healthy and vibrant all year round.
Weekly mowing is essential as with any well looked after Couch lawn in warmer months, however in cooler months, fortnightly is often enough. In winter and if your lawn is in a shady area, it should be allowed to grow longer to be able to absorb more sunlight. Never remove more than one third of the leaf blade per mow, as this will remove a significant amount of the green food producing body.
Every lawn naturally generates thatch as a consequence of robust growth. Thatch serves as a barrier, hindering the essential flow of water and nutrients to the root zone. An annual verti-mowing session is necessary to eliminate this thatch buildup. Buffalo lawns however, do not like aggressive dethatching and the tips of the verti-mowing blades should not penetrate the root zone.
For establishing or repairing of turf, the application should be 5kg per 100m2 of MatchPlay Pro Series NPK fertiliser which contains plenty of Phosphorus (in the form of non-leaching rock phosphate) lawn fertiliser.
For optimum health of your lawn, it is recommended to fertilise at a maintenance rate of 3kg per 100m2 every 6-8 weeks for 6 months after installation and every 10-12 weeks thereafter.
Remember, always water thoroughly to activate the fertiliser and prevent any possible leaf burn.
Wetting agents are the backbone of any good lawn, especially in WA’s hydrophobic soil conditions. For optimum heath of your lawn, it is recommended to apply 500ml Biagra per 100m2 every 6 – 8 weeks for 6 months after installation and every 10-12 weeks thereafter.