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Spring Lawn Care

With the Winter rains subsiding and Spring just around the corner, now is the time to think about getting your lawn into the best possible condition for some Summer fun.

We all love our lawns, and love showing them off to our neighbours.

But when they go dormant in the Winter and the broadleaf weeds get a hold, things can start looking a bit worse for wear and we often wonder what we can do to keep our lawns healthy.


Now is the time to capitalise on the sunny days and get a good quality post-emergent herbicide out to kill those weeds and clean up the surface ready for Spring renovation.

Depending on how long it has been since you last had your lawn renovated, there is going to be a layer of built-up dead grass, roots and organic matter at the top of your lawn’s profile. This dead layer is preventing water, fertiliser, nutrients – basically anything you are putting on your lawn – from getting through to the soil layer. This means that your grass will not, and cannot, get any better until you get rid of the thatch.

Thatch removal is done by a process called verti-mowing whereby vertical blades penetrate the surface and remove the dead and loose organic matter, leaving the surface clean and ready to send out new shoots.

Once the thatch is gone, though, there is still more to do. Aerating your lawn involves spiking holes into the ground which allows air to circulate deeper into the root zone. It also allows water and other nutrients easier access to where they are needed most. Basically, it lets you use less water for the same effect, and the nutrients in the soil are used more efficiently by your lawn.

Once that is done, an application of good quality liquid wetting agent, controlled-release fertiliser, reputable biostimulant and a pre-emergent insect control, and your lawn will be in good shape to really show off to the whole neighbourhood as we hit the warmer months.


Tips & Advice.


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