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Our Ingredients.


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At Positively Green, we prioritise premium lawn care products that deliver exceptional results while maintaining a minimal environmental impact. Our lawn health specialists carefully select a precise combination of eco-friendly treatments, formulated with high-quality ingredients to enhance soil health, promote strong turf growth, and ensure long-lasting lawn vitality.


Kelp (Seaweed)

An amazing product which helps with water retention, enhancing root length and density and helps thicken the plant cell wall. It assists with mineral uptake and gives your lawn a much better defence against damaging nematodes and other nasty pests.
Contains natural plant growth hormones and a complete range of trace element nutrients to provide the turf with maximum protection during hot weather and any disease and insect attacks. This is achieved through utilising the readily available organic nutrients to provide plant strength and improved leaf and roots development.


Bio-Stimulating Fertilisers

These help release much-needed nutrients which would otherwise be locked up in the soil. They enhance plant and microbial growth and development. Another benefit is that they also increase the mass of your roots as well as their activity and contain beneficial fungi.
These aid the conversion of chemical nutrients into organic forms through microbial activity that reduce leaching through the soil and can be 100% utilised by the plant. This creates sustained growth in the turf and root development through increased plant sugar levels along with improved moisture holding capacity by reducing plant stress.



This ingredient balances the PH level in your lawn so that it doesn't become too acidic. It also promotes chlorophyll production and aids in the absorption of Nitrogen and Phosphorous. We also use it in the form of a unique mineral called Polyhalite which delivers a deeper green to your lawn.



This is a vital macro-nutrient that helps your lawn grow at a steady and consistent rate and makes it greener. It has an optimal pH to maximise nutrient uptake. Potassium is crucial in helping your lawn withstand stress, disease and drought. And helps strengthen the cell wall.
Potassium is associated with the movement of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue. It’s involved with enzyme activation within the plant, which affects protein movement and simulation.
Potassium also helps regulate the opening and closing of the stomata, which regulates the exchange of water vapour, oxygen and carbon dioxide. If potassium is deficient or not supplied in adequate amounts, it stunts plant growth and reduces yield.



Our environmentally enhanced Nitrogen products contain Carbon Coated Urea and natural Rock Phosphate. Nitrogen helps with the formation of proteins that the plant cells need to grow and helps produce chlorophyll to provide the beautiful green colour of your grass. Our Nitrogen products are low leaching and release slowly to maintain consistent growth.



Phosphorus is important in building a dense, healthy lawn through photosynthesis, which is the production and conversion of simple sugars into amino acids, proteins and compounds responsible for plant growth.
This process provides energy in the plant and enables development of roots along with protecting the plant during periods of stress.

Wetting Agents

Wetting Agents

These products help retain water in your lawn for a longer period of time than would otherwise be the case, meaning you can use up to 50% less water. Our wetting agents are environmentally friendly and help keep the water in the all-important root zone and spread evenly throughout the profile of your lawn to ensure even coverage.

growth regulator

Plant Growth Regulator (PGR)

PGRs promote greener, denser, more resilient lawn with less growth, which therefore means less mowing for you! Our PGR also helps alleviate turf stress and maximises the quality of the surface through greater development of the roots.

Good Fungus VAM

VAM (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal)

This is a beneficial fungus which increases the availability of nutrients to your lawn through their conversion into organic plant available forms. . VAM provides a spiderweb formation around the roots, protecting the plant from disease and improving its health by providing nutrients when required.



The pesticides we use are predominantly non-scheduled (exempt from poison scheduling) products from well respected research and development companies such as Syngenta and Bayer. These have been developed for use in public open space and as such are safe for people and pets.



Humates are rich in carbon, one of the building blocks of all life, and provide the majority of your soil’s organic matter. They help by increasing both nutrient and water holding capacity and increase tolerance to traffic, drought and temperature. Humates increase microbial life in your soil and prevent nutrient leaching, which means a higher nutrient uptake and a stronger, healthier lawn.

Mineral Magic

Mineral Magic

This unique mineral over 100 million years old is a game changer for soil amendments. It’s tailor made for WA water repellent soils with its main qualities being extremely high water and nutrient retention. Basically it works with all of the other premium products we apply to your lawn and gardens to make them stay longer and more effective in the soil. The mineral is completely natural with no additives and in fact is certified both organic and waterwise! The best part is that this treatment is PERMANENT and never breaks down. Totally safe with kids and pets too!

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